Thursday, July 22, 2010

Total Slacker

I feel like a total slacker!  The last time I posted anything was right after seeing New Moon.  And here we are in the middle of the summer and Eclipse is out and I have yet to post anything since.  I guess I was delusional when I thought I had so many things to say that required a blog. 

From here on out, I am going to make a better effort.  That will be the test to see if I am a total slacker or not.

Summer has been really fun so far.  We have been spending most of our time at the pool and Spencer may have grown gills.  He is like a fish.  He never wants to get out.  He loves diving for stuff and jumping in the deep end.  He and his best friend Quinn are thick as thieves still and they have a ball playing at the pool.  Those two can play together for hours - it's like they are in their own little world.  It's amazing that they never argue, or if they do, we don't know about it; they just work it out.

Our vacation this summer was to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina with our friends Lynn and Kend and their daughter Mary.  We had a great time, but boy was it hot!  125 degrees with the heat index. 

Other than that, we are just living a great life with a great kid, a great family and some super awesome great friends. 

I'll post updated pictures soon.

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